जादुई छड़ी - Magic Sticks

जादुई छड़ी 

जादुई छड़ी  (Magic Sticks )

दूर देश का एक व्यापारी कारोबार के सिलसिले में कुछ दिन के लिए अकबर की राजधानी में ठहरा हुआ था। वह गर्मी के दिन थे।सोने जाने केे पहले उसने अपने सारे जवाहरात एक पोटली में बांध कर बक्से में रखा और उसकी चाभी अपने सिरहाने के नीचे छुपा कर रख दिए और सो गया। सुबह ऊठा तो पाया की बक्सा खुला था और चाभी जमीन पे पड़ी मिली। वह उसके पूरे जीवन की जमापूंजी थी। उसने अपने नौकरों को बुलाया और सबसे जवाब-तलब किया, लेकिन किसी को कुछ मालूम नहीं था। इसलिए वह व्यापारी शहंशाह अकबर के पास अपनी समस्या लेकर पहुंचा।

शहंशाह ने उसकी फरियाद सुनी और यह मामला अपने सबसे बुद्धिमान मंत्री बीरबल के हवाले कर दिया। बीरबल ने व्यापारी को बुलाया और साथ में उसके सभी नौकरों को भी। सभी एक साथ बीरबल के पास पहुंचे। बीरबल ने सभी नौकरों से कहा, ‘मैं तुम सब को एक-एक छड़ी दे रहा हूं। याद रखना यह जादू की छड़ियां हैं। तुममें से जिसने भी जवाहरात चुराए हैं, उसकी छड़ी रात ही रात में एक सूत लंबी हो जाएगी। कल सुबह तुम्हें इसी वक्त फिर यहां हाजिर होना है। अपने साथ में अपनी छड़ी लाना मत भूलना। मैं देखना चाहूंगा कि चोर कौन है।’ यह सुन कर सभी रवाना हो गए।

             अगली सुबह व्यापारी के साथ सभी नौकर वापस लौटे। बीरबल ने सभी छड़ियां अपने सामने रखवाईं। उन्होंने देखा कि एक छड़ी शेष से कुछ छोटी है। उन्होंने अपने सिपाहियों को आदेश दिया कि उस नौकर को पकड़ लिया जाए, जिसकी यह छड़ी है। चोर वही है।
     इसके बाद बीरबल ने बताया कि"यह जादुई छड़ी नहीं है, बल्कि साधारण छड़ी हैं जो एक ही बराबर काटी हुई थीं। चोर ने घबराकर अपनी छड़ी को एक सूत छोटी काट दी थी।
चोर ने अपना गुनाह  कबूल कर लिया। व्यापारी ने बीरबल का सुक्रिय अदा किया।

जादुई छड़ी  (Magic Sticks )

Magic Sticks

There were a number of rich traders and wealthy merchants in the empir of Akbar. Once upon a time, a wealthy merchant was robbed. The thief stole away each and every thing including the clothes and utensils. The wealthy merchant was turned into a pauper in a day. 
             The state officer was told but there aas no clue found about the thieves. The Emperor was extremely worried about the expensive robbery. He decided to discover about the thief. He called birbal and instructed him to probe into the matter. He was asked to catch the thief alone with the booty. 
                Birbal ventured to fulfil the mission. He summoned the merchant and made neccesary inquiries. He asked-"Do you suspect anyone, if so, please tell us. Please do not worry, we shall make sure to recover all your wealth." The Emperor was also present. The merchant was slightly relieved. "Jahapanah! I feel it is the job of my servants because I think no outsider can have so much information and details about everything. It is also a thruth that I have not seen any of my servant indulging into foul play. I can not blame or name any particular employee." Replied the merchant. 

जादुई छड़ी  (Magic Sticks )

                   Birbal sent a servant and summoned all the employees. When the servants gathered, Birbal fetch a bunch of sticks cut into equal size. He pretended to chant some mantras at the sticks and handed each stick to every servant. He said, "All of you may keep the sticks with you tonight. 
Tomorrow morning, all of you may come to the court and show me your sticks. Whoever is the thief or is indirectly or directly involved in the robbery shall be caught. His stick shall increase by half an inch on its own. "
                  Birbal instructed the state officials to take care that each servant stayed in a seperate room, an assistant was arranged to look after them. The actual thief was afraid of being found. He thought of choping up half an inch of the stick so thst when it is incresed it would become equal to the other sticks. He wondered, "Diwan Birbal shall not be able to find out the real thief if I chopped off the sticks." He care fully chopped off the stick by half an inch. 

जादुई छड़ी  (Magic Sticks )

                      The next day the Emperor, Birbal & the merchant went to the quaters where the servants spent there night. Birbal had a look at all the sticks. The thief's stick was half an inch shorter. Birbal found the thief. 
                       Birbal took him aside and said that he would set him free if he disclosed where he has hidden the booty. When the thief displayed his reluctance in speaking out, Birbal asked a servant to give him a sound thrashing. 
                        The thief was terrified. He accepted his guilt and declared where he has hidden the booty. The booty was recovered. Birbal asked the merchant to take away his belongings. The merchant was overwhelmed to get back his wealth, he had almost lost all the hopes of ever getting it back. The Emperor had been carefully observing everything. He was very happy at the manner in which Birbal dealt the case. 
                       The merchant fell at birbal's feet to express his gratitude. He said, "I would never get anything back if you had not helped me. You are a God sent angel to me." 

जादुई छड़ी  (Magic Sticks )

Birbal clasped at the merchant to his heart and handed over all that was recovered from the thief. The thief was adequately punished according to the law of the state.


  1. बहुत बढ़िया कहानी।

  2. बहुत मनोरंजक और बढ़िया कहानी

  3. बहुत अच्छा, लेकिन तुम अपनी चाभी कहाँ रखते हो। 1- तकिये की नीचे, 2- खूंटी पर टांगना, 3- अलमारी में, 4- इधर उधर, कोई एक पर बटन दबाओ ।

    1. हम तो ताला ही नहीं लगाते.... चाभी कैसे रखेंगे।

    2. अब आप बताईए... आप कहां रखते... आज रात को हम आ रहे।

  4. Taale ki chabhi nhi, computerized key ki baat hai, chhutki

  5. Ohoo..tab password hi bta dijiye...

  6. All time favourite.... Akbar Birbal story..

  7. Now I am thinking to buy again the comics of Akbar Birbal & Reread them...

  8. No need to buy comics, I will read all the stories here 😜😜

  9. Akbar ke dimag ka koi jor nahi...Nice story...
